Monday, February 2, 2015

Planning our homeschooling year 2015 (and a painted snail)

It's the last days of the holidays and the last days of planning to get done too! I've been busy getting journals organized, calendars written on and charts completed.
This year I'm going back to Five in A Row with my little ones (this way Sapphire can enjoy the family read time too!) and focusing on Tasmanian History for our main unit study for the older ones. Sophia has chosen horses to study about and we will be looking at A Year on our Farm picture book by Penny Matthews and Andrew Mclean each month learning about what happens on a farm throughout a year.
We're starting a new Maths program and introducing walks as part of our daily learning and exercise.
I'm looking forward to seeing how the coming weeks unfold as we get into the groove of it all.
 Sophia found this snail after some wet weather we had, 
she happened to be painting at the time and so decided to give the snail a renovation on his home!!
Hope he didn't mind!!
Smiles The Torrents'

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