Monday, February 4, 2013

Nursery Rhyme Unit Study

from Goggle pictures

We are only days away from starting the new school year! I'm really quite excited about the ideas I have and how I can make learning more of an atmosphere in our home. I'm also really hoping not to hear the words
"oh that's boring Mummy" too much either - most likely wishful thinking but you've gotta have goals!

So for this term we are studying NURSERY RHYMES. This all came about when we were doing the Middle Ages last year and found that the rhyme "ring-a-ring-a rosey" is actually singing about the black plague. We've since then found that many rhymes have a lot of history behind them and so the interest was sparked!
I've been doing lots of research on the web and here are some useful sites that I've found....
Lapbooks and printables at Homeschool share
Rhyme a week for early literacy
General info and great pictures HERE
DLTK'S site of great resources
Lyrics, origins and history site HERE
Preschool activities and craft HERE

We will be starting on Mary had a little lamb followed by Baa Baa black sheep. I will introduce wool classing, sheep facts, different pets, farm animals, history of sheep in Australia and where are the best sheep industries. We will also look at who wrote the melody, read music and hopefully learn to play the simple tunes!
I'll let you know of the other ideas I have as we go through them as each of the children have picked their favourite rhyme and we will be studying them (and subjects around that theme) for 10 weeks!
Well best be off and continue planning....
Smiles The Torrents's

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