Monday, June 25, 2012

Medieval Unit study

We have kick started our second term and all in all it's going quite well. Last week wasn't TOO painful getting back into the swing of things and so I'm hoping that this week will continue on that good way!
With Ezekiel wanting to study "who sat on the throne first," Hannah thought it would be good to focus more on the Ladies of the time. It seems that there is quite some info on the period of the Middle Ages and some very interesting women from this time so that's where the focus is for her this term.
For Zeke we will go with the same time period but mainly all about the Kings, Knights and so on going on through the ages till now.
I have some great ideas for the little one's too on craft and activities so here is a list of links that you might find helpful if you'd like to study this fascinating period of time.

Middle Ages Women
Medieval Kings and Queens
The Great Cardboard castle (need a lot of help for this masterpiece!)
Castle Craft (much easier)
Labeled Diagram of Castles
Castle Middle Ages (like the picture of this one!)
Paper Dolls
The Middle Ages for Kids (awesome site with HEAPS of things!)
FREE Middle Ages Games and Activities
Unit Study on Middle Ages outline
The Plague lapbook
Kings and Queens of England lapbook (awesome lapbook with pictures and poem!)
Abstract Castle (for Art)
Castles for Kids
Medieval flash cards
Medieval Musical instruments (for our Music Monday study)
Medieval Music (on YouTube)
Middle Ages Music Pictures
Middle ages map of England 700 (for our Friday Geography)
Map of England 878
Map of England in 1066

I hope this is helpful to someone, someday! In the meantime I better get some things printed ready for our school day! Hope yours is a super,wonderful one!
Smiles The Torrents'

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